Nondiscrimination / Harassment for Employees
All allegations of discrimination in employment will be investigated and resolved under the LCOE policies. This includes those involving an employee, job applicant, intern volunteer or other person contracted to provide services to the Lake County Office of Education (LCOE).
A person may file a complaint by informing a direct supervisor, another supervisor, the Title IX Coordinator, Superintendent or, if available, a complaint hotline. A person may bypass a direct supervisor if the supervisor is the subject of the complaint.
Complaints concerning employment discrimination, harassment or retaliation shall immediately be investigated in accordance with procedures specified in the policies. Any employee who engages in prohibited discrimination, harassment or retaliation or who aids, abets, incites, compels, or coerces another to engage or attempt to engage in such behavior is a violation of this policy and is subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
Any harassment or discrimination based on a person’s sex is a violation of CALIFORNIA EDUCATION CODE 230, as well as federal law. If you feel that your discrimination has reached a level of Title IX, VISIT THE TITLE IX PAGE FOR MORE INFORMATION.
Contact Information
Melissa Reese
Title IX Coordinator
Human Resource Director
(707) 262-4100