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Attendance Challenge

Attendance Challenge!

The Lake County Attendance Challenge is sponsored by Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake and administered by the Lake County Office of Education.  

The challenge will take place during the weeks of February 5, 2024 - May 3, 2024! 

The Lake County Attendance Challenge is a friendly competition between all public school districts throughout Lake County. The challenge is an awareness campaign to promote the importance of attending school each and every day.

If your student has a 95% attendance rate for a full month during this challenge, your student will be entered in a drawing to win a $500 prize!

If your student has 100% attendance for any week during this challenge, they will be entered in a drawing for a $10 gift card to a local business for that given week.

These are each of the categories: 

  1. Preschool
  2. Elementary School
  3. Middle School
  4. High School
  5. Alternative School

Each month, the school with the highest attendance from each category will receive a banner to put in front of their school.

For more information, contact your local school district or email Isabella Meo at