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Teach Lake County Programs

Start Here: Pre-Service Program

Before an Intern credential is issued, all teacher candidates must complete 120-hours of instruction in foundational education topics, or Pre-Service, as required by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. 

All TLC teacher candidates begin their credentialing journey with one semester in the Pre-Service Program. Some Pre-Service coursework may be waived if a candidate has completed credentialing coursework at another institution, pending an equivalency evaluation.

Teach Lake County’s Pre-Service Program begins every January and concludes by mid-June. Candidates in the TLC Pre-Service Program meet online on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5-8 pm. Topics include: physiology and learning and development, classroom management, curriculum/instruction/assessment, introduction to special education, strategies for teaching English learners, and teaching reading language arts. 

Intern Credential Pathways

Teach Lake County offers two Intern credential pathways. Both credential types require four semesters of coursework, with classes meeting online on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 5-8 pm. 

Multiple Subject 

The Multiple Subject Teaching Credential authorizes the holder to teach all subjects in a self-contained classroom, such as the classrooms in most elementary schools, in grades preschool, K–12, or in classes organized primarily for adults. 

Education Specialist, Mild to Moderate Support Needs 

The Education Specialist Instruction Credential: Mild to Moderate Support Needs authorizes the holder to conduct Educational Assessments related to students’ access to the academic curriculum and progress towards meeting instructional goals, provide instruction, and Special Education Support to students with mild to moderate support needs related to one or more of the following disabilities: autism, emotional disturbance, intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, specific learning disability, and traumatic brain injury; in kindergarten, including transitional kindergarten, grades 1-12 through age 22, and classes organized primarily for adults in services across the continuum of program options available.

The Education Specialist, Mild to Moderate Support Needs Intern Program is currently offered as a satellite of the Yolo Solano Center for Teacher Credentialing.

William Jessup Masters Program

The Teach Lake County Program has partnered with William Jessup University to help YOU earn your Master's Degree in just one year. Teach Lake County graduates have the option to transfer their graduate-level credential courses to Jessup University to earn their Master of Arts and Teaching degree at a 25 percent tuition discount.

William Jessup is a four-year accredited university located in Rocklin, California. Courses for this program are completely online and are held one evening per week for three hours. This one-year program is broken up into three semesters. Jessup graduates will be equipped with the skills they need to integrate research-based solutions into their own classrooms.

For more information, visit the William Jessup website.