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Multilingual Learner Collaborative

Multilingual Learner Collaborative

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As a part of the EL coordinator role at Lake County Office of Education, the county office EL coordinator, is invited to attend the Bilingual Coordinators Network (BCN) meetings in Sacramento 4 times a year and given the task of disseminating EL updates and information from the meetings to all LEA's in Lake County. 

The purpose of BCN is to:

  • Provide a vehicle for the CDE to disseminate information regarding Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), English Learner (EL) and Immigrant Student programs
  • Collaborate and provide comment to the CDE on draft policies, initiatives, publications, and other related issues that ensure the needs of EL students are fully addressed
  • Disseminate information to local educational agencies to support EL students and immigrant students. In addition, members discuss the impact of the most current and relevant research and practice related to improving the academic achievement of English learners.

For this reason, LCOE offers an "in person" local Multilingual Learner Collaborative (MLC) that takes place four times each school year. The Lake County Multilingual Learner Collaborative is a 2 hour abbreviated version of the 2 day BCN as well as a space for educators to collaborate around the needs of English Language Learner students. 

If you are a Lake County Educator and would like to sign up to receive information about Multilingual Learner initiatives and training in Lake County, please complete this brief survey.


Rosario Morris
Learning Support Specialist
(707) 262-4141