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Lake County Quality Counts (LCQC)


LCQC stands for Lake County Quality Counts. LCQC belongs to a state-wide consortium called Quality Counts California that strives to improve the quality of early learning for California children ages 0 through 5 years old with a focus in three areas of program quality:

  • Child development and readiness for school
  • Teachers and teaching
  • Program and environment quality

The goal of Quality Counts CA is to ensure that children in California have access to high quality programs so that they thrive in their early learning settings and succeed in kindergarten and beyond. Each Califronia QRIS Program:

  • Assesses program quality comparably across provider types (publicly and privately funded, centers and family child care homes) throughout the state
  • Aligns program standards with early learning and practitioner standards
  • Supports continuous quality improvement for participating programs and their staff
  • Provides families with information about program quality to assist them in making informed choices

LCQC is administered through the Lake County Office of Education, and is funded by two streams - the CSPP (California State Preschool Program)Block Grant and the First 5 California IMPACT grant. Together, these two funding streams allow us to serve not only state preschool programs, but also family child care homes, Head Start programs, and other sites serving Lake County children ages 0-5.


Angela Cuellar-Marroquin
LCQC Director
(707) 262-4162

Marilu Garcia
LCQC Coach
(707) 262-4159

Callie Copas
LCQC Coach
(707) 262-4160

Karla Pantaleon
LCQC Program Assistant
(707) 262-4164