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Early Education


Research shows that the early years play a key role in children’s brain development.

Babies begin to learn about the world around them from a very early age. They begin to learn while still in their mother's womb.

The bonds children form with their parents affects their future development. Optimizing the early years of children’s lives is the best investment we can make as a society in ensuring their future success.

LCOE is proud of the Early Childhood Education programs we offer to our 0 - 5 year old children in Lake County.

Download our Bloom Into Kindergarten booklet to help your 0-5 year old become kindergarten-ready.

Descargue nuestro folleto Bloom Into Kindergarten para ayudar a su niño de 0 a 5 años a prepararse para el kindergarten.


The goal of Bloom is to inspire families to use simple techniques with their young children to prepare them for school through reading, games and fun conversation so they can start their education right, and prepare for their bright futures beyond the classroom.

Download our Bloom Into Kindergarten booklet to help your 0-5 year old become kindergarten-ready.

Descargue nuestro folleto Bloom Into Kindergarten para ayudar a su niño de 0 a 5 años a prepararse para el kindergarten.

Read more about Lake Bloom.

Early Connection Preschools

Early Connections Preschool programs are offered at eight elementary schools for three hours a day, morning and/or afternoon.

State Preschool programs are free to income qualified families. Children receive breakfast, lunch, or afternoon snack daily.

Read more about LCOE Preschools.

Imagination Library

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a book-gifting program that mails free, age-appropriate, high-quality books to children from birth until their fifth birthday, no matter their family’s income.

Read More about Imagination Library.

Kindergarten Registration

Meet teachers and register young students for the upcoming school year at a Kindergarten Registration Event in your local school district.

Visit the Kindergarten Registration page to learn more.

Lake County Quality Counts

The Lake County Quality Counts (LCQC) is a systemic approach to assess, improve, and communicate the level of quality in early and school-age care and education programs.

LCQC is focused on creating quality early education programs within Lake County for children ages 0-5. 

Read More about LCQC.

Lake County Child Care Planning Council

The Lake County Child Care Planning Council works to build partnerships with individuals and organizations in our community to help meet the child care needs of our communities.

Read more about the Lake County Child Care Planning Council.