Emergency Preparedness
Local Education Agencies (LEA’s), which include our School Districts, in California are mandated under Education Code 32280 to develop a comprehensive school safety plan that is updated annually.
The components of a comprehensive school safety plan include district specific administrative regulations and policies tied to safety, specialized instructional programs that promote equity, health and human services, and a school site and district level emergency crisis response plan.
A school site and district level emergency crisis response plan must align with the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) as well as the National Incident Management System (NIMS).
The Lake County Office of Education provides leadership for the development of school emergency and safety plans.
Within the last few years, the Lake County Office of Education has coordinated a countywide effort to standardize procedures for crisis management and emergency response.
The Lake County Office of Education, the Lake County Sheriff’s Office, Lake County OES, Lake County Fire Chiefs, and the head of every law enforcement department in Lake County meet quarterly to discuss new or ongoing concerns, trainings, and best practices. Through these meetings, we develope goals and strategies to help enhance the safety of school sites throughout Lake County.
For more details, or to volunteer to assist with the plan update please contact Robert Young.
Robert Young
Director of Operations and Emergency Services
Office: (707) 262-4140